Monday 17 September 2012

The Adventure movie...

Today at Enrich we did leader board chess. Jackson challenged me and I won. For passion time Jayden, Blake and I made an iMovie about Blake trying to find a video camera. We have only just started to do the movie trailer. Blake is acting as an adventurer. Jayden is acting as a monster, interviewer and a riddle guy. We are just practicing at the moment. We read some facts about comparing the the last generation to our generation about being green. After Darryn read it to us we split  into groups of three and discussed it further.  I thought that I could start using material shopping bags, rather than the plastic ones.

Monday 10 September 2012

Air pollution video

Today we watched a air pollution video about the top ten polluted cities in the world. The most polluted city was Ahvaz in Iran. The least polluted city in the world is Wellington!! My group finished their keynote for the environment project. We completed the draft and know where in the airport it is going to go. Once I have done my blog I'm going to do passion time, I'm going to make a movie in Alice. Blake challenged me in chess but I won.

Monday 3 September 2012

The Water Pollution Video

Today we watched the water pollution video. It was annoying because people just dropped plastic bags then the animals that lived in the water breathed them in and died. Here is the video:

There was also a turtle that was shaped like an eight.  I also played chess and moved up to sixth on the leader board. I also played capture the cone at lunch time. After this post I am going on to my passion time which is also going to be our environment project today.